Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Compendium of Ecological Information on Australia's Northern Tropical Rivers

Lukacs, G.P. and Finlayson, C.M. (eds) 2008. A Compendium of Ecological Information on Australia's Northern Tropical Rivers. Sub project 1 of Australia's Tropical Rivers - an integrated data assessment and analysis (DET18). A report to Land & Water Australia. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, National Centre for Tropical Wetland Reseacrh, Townsville, Queensland.
9 reports cover the following topics: geomorphology, estuaries, hydrology, riparian vegetation, water quality, aquatic macroinvertebrates, freshwater fish, aquatic reptiles and waterbirds

Printed copy available at NRETAS and DPI Library

An assessment of the conservation values of the wetlands of the lower and middle reaches of the Daly River, Northern Territory ...

French, Veronica, 2007, An assessment of the conservation values of the wetlands of the lower and middle reaches of the Daly River, Northern Territory, against criteria for national heritage and the Ramsar Convention on wetlands. MSc in World Heritage Management, School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin. 188 p.

This thesis provides a summary of the natural, historical and cultural values of the wetlands in the Daly River region and evaluates them against criteria for National Heritage and Ramsar listing.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Daly River Vegetation mapping project: updated final report

1:100,000 scale map of the native vegetation in the Nothern territory, Project report to NT NRMB, Luke Peel, 2009. Technical Report 08/2009D.

This project was successful in researching and developing a suitable method by which native vegetation can be mapped at a refined scale in a more rapid and cost effective way than previous methods allowed. An intermediate map product of the Daly Catchment was produced at 1:100,000 scale depicting broad structural vegetation community types.

Copy available at NRETAS and DPI Library

Daly Basin Vegetation Mapping trial methodology completed by CDU eCognition group

Charles Darwin University, Tropical Spatial Sciences Group (2007?)
This trial was to ascertain the capabilities of eCognition to classify remotely sensed data and other products to identify land types and classify them into groups based on vegetation, lithology and location in the landscape.

copy available at NRETAS and DPI library

Daly basin draft vegetation mapping

Report to Dept. of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts, Northern Territory and Greening Australia, Northern Territory by Bernard Fitzpatrick, Spatial 31 Pty Ltd, 25 Sept. 2006.

Spatial 3i Pty Ltd was engaged to produce a draft map of the vegetation communities of the Daly Catcahment based on LANDSAT TM imagery provided by the Northern territory Dept. of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts.

Copy available at NRETAS and DPI Library